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Publication Day | Children of the Storm




A story of twenty children, over thirty-three freezing cold hours, and six lives tragically lost 

Lakewood, CO — August 6, 2024 Imagine being one of twenty children ages seven to fourteen stranded in a makeshift school bus for thirty-three hours, during the worst blizzard to hit Colorado in over fifty years. Children of the Storm follows these children, their bus driver, and teacher on the southeastern plains of Colorado as they fight for their lives.  


The Morning of March 26th, 1931, began with sixty-degree weather and students excitedly running to board Carl Miller’s bus for their routine ride to the Pleasant Hill School. By the time they arrived at the pair of forlorn one-room schoolhouses, it was dark, windy, and cold–obvious signs of a spring snowstorm. Soon after, following the teachers’ s orders to drive the children to a nearby home for safety, Miller lost his sense of direction in the ensuing whiteout and lodged the bus in a ditch. When rescuers found the survivors a day and a half later, the blizzard had taken a deadly toll. 


Andrea Dupree, co-founder of The Lighthouse Writers Workshop said “Children of the Storm conjures up a community and a cast of characters, mostly children, facing the great defining tragedy of their lives. Written with a clean, novelistic voice, the story takes us to the heart of our own vulnerabilities in the face of many great forces..." Children of the Storm is unique because of it’s gripping storytelling, the extensive research of Ariana Harner and Clark Secrest, and the insight from interviews with survivors and family members who continue to be affected by the tragedy to this day.  


Note to Media: If you’re interested in virtual events, interviews, or collaborations with the author/illustrator, please contact Kateri Kramer, Fulcrum Publishing’s Marketing Director.  



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